Okay, I hate to admit it but I have lost my marbles and I am trying to get them back.. While reading my friends blog, I saw that she was taking Omega 3 as a way to clear your mind. I had heard this before and not being a person who likes to spend money on vitamins that promise a lot of things. I hate to say I was interested. In the last few years, unless it is on a calender in front of me I cannot remember a thing. It drives me crazy. Every one says it is because I work, take care of four children, and are so focused on them, and all the other things we/I do. I just do not have more space, for remembering stuff. Even so, I miss them, I want them and I really need my marbles back. ..Please and Thank you very much..Sooo, I did a little bit a research and Omega 3 has numerous benefits. It is good for mother's who are nursing and for the baby to benefit brain health and many other numerous things, that with our diets we cannot really get on our own. Here is a link
http//www.revolutionhealth.com/healthy-living/natural-health/vitamin-boutique/supplements/fish-oil?s_kwcid=ContentNetwork1000953684 . There was a lot of good information out there that I found. You can
Google Omega 3 and find other links too.
So needless to say--- it is worth a shot, I will let you know--(that is if I can remember...Ha ha.) how it is benefiting our family. I have Jarrod, and the girls taking some supplements too.
They have
children's chewy ones. The girls think they are yummy.
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